Autumn must eat three kinds of high nutrition fruit

It is said that eating more fruit is good for the body, but each season has its corresponding more suitable to eat fruit, eat the right fruit, healthier body! So what fruit is better to eat in autumn?

1. Apple: protect the stomach and intestines

A clinical study found that people who eat more apples have a lower probability of getting a cold than those who do not eat or eat less apples.

In addition, apples have the effect of protecting the stomach and intestines. After the summer heat, the gastrointestinal function is often at a low level. Apples promote the secretion of stomach acid and enhance digestive function. The fragrance of apples can create a sense of pleasure, which has the effect of increasing appetite. Apples contain a soluble fiber substance pectin, and the metabolite of pectin is short-chain fatty acid, which can supply energy to the mucous membrane cells of the large intestine and protect the gastrointestinal tract.

People without diabetes can eat 1-2 medium-sized apples a day. People with diabetes can eat about half an apple (about 150-200 grams) a day under the premise of stable blood sugar.

2. Fresh dates: high vitamin content

The vitamin C content of fresh dates is as high as 243 mg/100 g, almost 60 times that of apples, 40 times that of pears and watermelons, 30 times that of peaches, 10 times that of lemons, and 4 times that of kiwis.

The above figures are only averages, and some varieties of dates can even have a maximum vitamin C content of 500-600 mg/100g. Vitamin C has a strong antioxidant and immune system maintenance effect.

When eating fresh dates, be sure to chew them slowly and chew the outside skin before eating them. If you eat them too fast, they may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

The sugar content of fresh dates is relatively high, so in terms of serving size, healthy adults can grab a small handful every day and eat as much as they can. Diabetics should eat with caution.

3. Pomegranate: good for cardiovascular

Pomegranate is a seasonal fruit in autumn, sweet and sour, juicy, it belongs to a kind of berries, rich in dietary fiber. In the past, in Europe, pomegranate was called “the holy fruit of heaven”.

Pomegranates are rich in ellagitannins, which are metabolized by the human intestine and are derived into urolithins. It has been found that urolithin can improve muscle strength and slow down muscle aging.

The organic acids in pomegranates also help protect our heart health. Studies have found that adults who eat one pomegranate a day, or 200-300 ml of pomegranate juice, can have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you have no problems with your stomach or intestinal function, you can chew and swallow the pomegranate seeds when you eat them. Studies have found that pomegranate seeds are rich in polyphenols, multivitamins and organic acids, which are beneficial to health.

Of course, it is not necessary to eat the entire seeds of the pomegranate, but a small amount is sufficient to avoid affecting the digestion of the intestines. If you are worried that the seeds are too hard, you can buy soft-seeded pomegranates, which can be easily chewed.

Pomegranates contain a lot of sugar and should not be eaten in large quantities. The average healthy adult should eat at most one medium-sized pomegranate a day, while the healthy elderly and children should eat less than half. You should rinse your mouth immediately after eating pomegranate to prevent the organic acids in pomegranate from damaging your teeth.

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